This page is under construction.
List of Vendors- Coming soon!
Event Schedule- Coming soon!
We will provide free healthy snacks for kids and families. Stop by our Snack table outside of the Vendor area to grab some fruit, granola bars, cheese and other kid friendly snacks. And quench your thirst with a bottle of water! (We will not serve any products with peanuts but cannot guarantee an allergen free environment)
What you can bring?
Strollers and backpacks are permitted.
How can I enter to win the prizes?
Each family will be given a passport to take with them to the vendor booths/tables. Visit eight of the tables on the passport and gain an entry ticket to try and win a prize of your choice (think strollers, car seats, cribs). Each family can earn an additional TWO tickets by completing our survey on the back of the passport.
FREE Family Supply Center - Coming soon!